Interpreting Commercial Contracts in the AIFC
Interpreting Commercial Contracts in the AIFC
Professor Marc Moore

The AIFC Court and IAC are delighted to invite participants to join an online course: “Interpreting Commercial Contracts in the AIFC” (The AIFC Court and IAC Accredited Certificate on Interpreting Contracts).

In this session, Professor Marc Moore will introduce participants to the general legal rules and principles that apply when determining the meaning of disputed commercial contract provisions under the AIFC and English law. Professor Moore will provide participants with a hypothetical case study involving contested commercial contract terms. Participants will be asked to study and reflect on the relevant terms in the light of the applicable legal rules and principles, before reaching a conclusion on what they regard to be their proper legal meaning in the circumstances at hand.

Professor Marc Moore - Chair in Corporate/Financial Law, University College London. Prof. Moore was Reader in Corporate Law and MCL Director at the University of Cambridge. He previously spent five years at the UCL Faculty of Laws from 2009 to 2014. He has also taught at the University of Bristol, the University of Auckland and Seattle University. Prof. Moore has been invited to give guest lectures and seminars in various countries.

Date: 20 June 2024
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 (Astana time)
Language: English
Format: Online
No payment is required. When registering for the course, participation is free of charge.
Participants will receive certificates upon completion of the training.
Register through this link.

Online upon registration

20 June 24
20 June 24

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